Maria Razzhivina is an accomplished digital fabrication architect currently working in Shanghai, China. She graduated from Saint Petersburg State Architecture and Civil Engineering University, Russia with a Bachelor of Architecture degree, then obtained an M.Sc. from the multidisciplinary program “Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research” at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. During her study there she was a DAAD scholarship recipient and her Master Thesis was chosen for the Autodesk Build Space program. Maria has worked on a few first parametric design projects in Russia, as a research assistant and architect for innovative pavilion projects in Germany (including Bundesgartenschau fiber wound pavilion in Heilbronn) and is currently a digital designer and architect for Robotic Plus company in Shanghai, China. Her teaching experience includes parametric design lectures in Polytechnic University’s FabLab in Saint Petersburg and a Python programming course for design specialists in Shanghai. Her professional and research interests include algorithms and computational design, robotic systems, and multiple agent interaction.
该老师暂不开放一对一课程,教学以开设讲座或Open Project形式进行。