- 2020 Masonry Prize Fellowship
- 2020 Urban Design Representative at GaTech’s Student Planning Association
- 2019 Outstanding Graduates of HUST
- 2015 – 2017 President, Student International Communication Association(SICA)
- 2015-2017 China National Merit Scholarship
- Wang J., Kim I., Rana S.B. (2022) Optimal Strategy for Autonomous-Vehicle-Dedicated Lane Deployment on Freeway with City Planning and Market as Driving Force. In: Martins A.L., Ferreira J.C., Kocian A. (eds) Intelligent Transport Systems. INTSYS 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 426. 206 – 227. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97603-3_15
- LIU H L, ZHENG T M, WANG J, et al. Research on the characteristics of the spatial arrangement of basic urban public service facilities from a diversity perspective: a case study of Wuhan [J]. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2020, 12(2): 102-117.
- Wang J. (2021) Why Did Sidewalk Labs’s Quayside Project Fail? The Practical and Institutional Difficulties of Smart City Practice. In: Bernasconi, C., Blume, L., et. al. Proceedings of EDRA52 Detroit: Just environments: Transdisciplinary border crossings. 167 – 172. Environmental Design Research Association. ISBN 979-8-9855428-0-6
- Dunham-Jones, E., Wang, J., Gao, W., 2020. Retrofitting Suburbia’s Missing Middle. SMARTech.
- Changsha Historical Trail: Historic Building Protection and Urban Renewal, August 2019, Hunan University Press, ISBN: 978-7-5667-1782-5